May all beings be peaceful.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be safe.
May all beings be free of suffering.
May all beings be liberated.
May all beings realize their essence and live this fully, completely and utterly!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

what are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for something to be other than it is?

Are you waiting for something or someone to be different or better before you can be happy or at peace?

Are you waiting for the weather to improve?

Are you waiting for your challenge-of-the-moment to be resolved?

Are you waiting for your partner or your family or your friends or your co-workers to be more conscious, or more loving, or more generous?

Are you waiting for your job to improve or your career to take off?

Are you waiting for your bank account to increase?

Are you waiting for your debts to be paid off?

Are you waiting for something or someone to rescue you from your life circumstance?

Are you waiting for your health to improve?

Are you waiting for you body to be different in any way at all?

Are you waiting for the weekend or for your days off or for your next holiday?

Are you waiting for your creative urge to return?

Are you waiting for your project to be finished?

Are you waiting for your "to do" list to be done?

Are you waiting for your emails to be completed?

Are you waiting for the world to be different in any way at all?

Are you waiting for your life to get easier or simpler?

Are you waiting for the next retreat before you can be still?

Are you waiting to be enlightened?

Are you waiting for _________________? (you fill in the blank)

The ability to simply notice this waiting is the beginning of recognizing the happiness and peace and stillness that is already present in you. Already here right now underneath all of the waiting! This is the true happiness that is not dependent on anything being a certain way. Not dependent on being the way "I want it" or "I don't want it". The peace that "passeth understanding". The stillness that has never left you.

The awareness of the waiting is the doorway in.

Into true happiness, into peace, into stillness ~ home.

Catching the waiting in awareness.

Simply holding the waiting in the loving embrace of consciousness ~ of you.

Without judgement or opinion or any commentary at all.

Perhaps an "aha" appears. The recognition of this dear old friend called waiting.

The recognition of how much energy is used and wasted in waiting for life to be different. How much preciousness is wasted. How much suffering is created in this gap between how life is right now and how I want it to be.

Recognize how holding life back happens in waiting. Holding back the joy, the aliveness, the peace that is already here.

Simply noticing this.

Aware of the wisdom that is gained in seeing this. The wisdom that is the doorway out of the waiting room. The doorway into Life.

Right now in this moment are you aware of some waiting that is happening?

Are you willing to hold it gently and lovingly in your embrace? Just as it is.

What are you aware of as this dear friend is being held?

In the spaciousness here, is there an action that is required? Can be taken now?

If so, then take it.

If not, then drop it.

Just alert to the waiting.

And yes, there'll still be waiting... at the traffic lights or at the check out line in the stores or the bank lineup or on hold on the telephone or...

Notice the difference when you're aware of the waiting and don't try to make it be other than it is.

Notice what is discovered... uncovered...

As our Hopi friends say, "YOU are the one you've been waiting for."!

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