May all beings be peaceful May all beings be happy May all beings be safe May all beings be free of suffering May all beings be liberated May all beings realize their essence and live this fully, completely and utterly!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Meeting tonight!

The light's not so great which creates a bit of a blurry image, but I just had to include it!

Satsang (aka Meeting As Stillness) is simply a celebration of being, in which we gather together as our true authentic self ~ this brilliant shining presence! We deeply explore this essence that we are. Really, it seems like we get together and do nothing! It's in the truest sense of doing nothing, meaning we also don't do anything in our mind. Satsang offers a complete rest from being in the mind and a way of becoming stable here, in the heart of being, in the now. Perhaps more accurately, we become aware of the great stability that is and has always been here.

See you tonight!

The last of the back garden dahlias.

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