May all beings be peaceful May all beings be happy May all beings be safe May all beings be free of suffering May all beings be liberated May all beings realize their essence and live this fully, completely and utterly!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Love from Spain!

In addition to our dear friend, this is what greeted us at the Barcelona airport!

A drive-by view of Montserrat on our way from Barcelona to Les Cases Noves de Can Pardo (LCNDCP!)

The sweetest smelling roses growing on the upper patio at our friends' home in LCNDCP. Some of them (the roses and the friends!) came to satsang!

The wild beauty of this amazing land at LCNDCP. The stillness here is strong.

More natural beauty here in LCNDCP.

We lunched at a fantastic countryside restaurant in the middle of nowhere outside of LCNDCP, where the owner is also a textile lover & artist.

Part of a rose quilt hanging on the wall at this restaurant.

Another one of her beautiful quilts!

More textile art on the restaurant walls.

One of the friends that joined us for lunch! 

The view from the bench where Tomas & I sat in LCNDCP enjoying the late afternoon stillness.

We visited this lovely piece of land a few minutes drive outside of LCNDCP... it's the future home of an organic farming co-op!

The view from the land... very still.

We travelled from LCNDCP to Zaragoza, in the province of Aragon. It's our first visit here! And it's famous for the Catedral-Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar next to the Ebra river. The Basilica is the home of the Blessed Virgin Mary, under her title Our Lady of the Pillar, and is known to be the first church in history to be dedicated to Mary. !

A very modern fountain in the old plaza outside the Basilica. I love the blue!

The top of one of the entrances leading into the Basilica with trumpeting angels.

A closer look.

One of the domes of the Basilica.

And closer.

Another entrance into the Basilica... more angels!

A closer view of the lute (?) playing angel.

Another view of the outside of the Basilica... it's huge! Signs posted inside asked us not to photograph, otherwise I would have taken a photo of the Virgin of Pilar. Here's her photo from wikipedia...

On our way from Zaragoza to Madrid, we stopped for lunch in a small village. I love the decoration on the top of this building and the blue sky!

The church in this village.

And the autumn leaves!

The satsangs so far have been profound... we're very blessed... graced by Presence.
I'd love to take before and after photos of each one coming to satsang. 
It's a noticeable difference. The light that shines through even stronger is miraculous!  

I am so enjoying being with old friends and meeting new friends on this fantastic adventure!

Much Love

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